

I am sitting here at my computer. I'm looking at my last post and realize that it has been over a month since I last put my thoughts to paper. I want to write something meaningful but I am not sure if I can. 

I have learned things in the past month. Actually I have learned things in the past days, hours, even minutes. The main thing I have learned, and I believe you can only learn it through a type of trial and error, is this: There is a real fight for our rights and our places in the kingdom of heaven and we need to take immediate action. 

Everyday I wake up I am attacked with thoughts telling me that I could blend in; that I could just sit back and let my life roll by without taking action. Everyday there are struggles in my inner man that I must fight against and rebuke. When Matthew says that the, "violent will take it by force...", he actually meant it... 

I know that most of this stuff must seem very "christian 101" but lack of revelation in this will lead us into apathy. If we don't start to fight for our heavenly rights than we will quickly lose sight of what God has made ours. If we don't wake up every morning ready to fight for the kingdom, then what will we fight for?

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